star 99
Star99 is that exhilarating feeling you get when the basketball goes through the hoop during the last 2 seconds of the game and your team wins.
Star99 is that letter announcing you the winner of your state's lottery, with your name on a check for ten million dollars.
Star99 is your final reward as you are placed in a solitary coffin, in a lonely cemetery, lowered into dear mother Earth and covered with dirt, hopefully to once again share communion with your maker.
'Excellent', 'Brilliant', and even 'Wonderful' are good descriptions of Star99, but they are somehow still not quite enough to explain our marvelous and ecstatic new sound.
As an experiment, try using 'Star99' in casual conversation when talking about your plans and hopes for the future, and see what happens.
If I were your friend and I truly loved you, the most and best that I could wish for you would be that you have a beautiful Star99 life, and that you have a wonderful Star99 day.